About us
Pingpong4U delivers fun, engaging table tennis sessions for a wide range of people – young people, who aspire to win county or national titles young people in Youth Centres and Community Centres young people in primary, secondary and special schools/ colleges breakfast clubs, after school clubs and holiday clubs for young people CPD for teachers who want to improve the way they teach technical aspects of this great sport.
Marginalised groups like refugees and homeless groups.
Disabled groups – people with learning difficulties or those who have additional physical needs.
All of our coaches want to deliver sessions which stimulate, enthuse and inspire those who we work with to enjoy and achieve.
We aim to make every session bespoke to the abilities of those present, to adapt to their needs.

Part of our philosophy is to look beyond the difficulties that someone has. Rather than seeing what an individual cannot do we need to carefully assess what they CAN do. It is also our role to help others we work with to seek ways to engage someone, who at first sight, seems ‘uncoordinated’, ’too old’ or ‘too restricted’ in their movements. It’s about dignity of life and making each individual feel special regardless
of any issues that they may have.